WIP: Vol 2 Cover

It’s taking a while for me to get the physical covers for the print run of Runicfire Vol 001, so I’m going ahead and starting on the cover for Runicfire Vol 002. I did a sketch today, and while it’s still very much a work in progress, I like where it’s going.

I’m still nervous about how it’ll turn out. I’m nowhere near as talented as Kosono Okina, whose work graces Vol 001’s cover, but for both budget and thematic reasons I need to do this one myself. The scene is from my upcoming short story “I Dream The World, And Shape It With My Slumber,” and ties into the issue’s feature article.

My next step is to redo the foreground elements in Blender, since I’m far more confident modeling in 3d instead of drawing in 2d. However, the final render will likely be at least partially in traditional media.

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